Thursday, September 25, 2008

the Wolf and His Lunch

Joey King
Mr. Dye
Socratic 7-8
10 September 2008
The Wolf and His Lunch
Many of you think that you know the wolf in little red riding hood, but I don’t think you do. You see the wolf is much like you and me. We like to eat when we are hungry, like a person who has been stuck in the wilderness starving for many days. The wolf has a family much like yours- he has a mother and father, and brothers and sisters. He also lives with extended family; he has a grandmother and a grandfather, and cousins too. All of the Wolf’s family lives in the family cave. This cave is a huge, 100,000 square foot cave and vaulted ceilings that are 15 feet tall.
One day the Wolf was really hungry. So the entire family left the cool, damp cave, and went out into the blistering sun. It was so hot you would burn your toes into the sidewalk as you walked around.
They didn’t have enough money to feed the whole family. Because this was a sixteen person family and the only one working was the father of the Wolf, whose salary was only $28,000 a year, a typical teacher salary. He had a lot of expenses with his large mortgage, feeding sixteen hungry mouths, and two cars (gas guzzling eight passengers Chevy Suburban’s). Not to mention that gas prices in Yellowstone National Park (their home) were $5.10 a gallon. Needless to say, his salary could not support their lifestyle.
That night as family sat around the dinner table, they quickly realized that there were only 15 peanut butter with a little bit of jelly sandwiches. They scraped their cupboards trying to find anything that might be able to feed them all, but they were unsuccessful in their efforts. They took a vote and decided that Erik Wolman (or in other words wolf) was the best qualified to find food, because he was the oldest of the kids. Before Erik left, his father Johnny and, mother Katie Wolfman told him to remember the manners they had taught him. And to respect the other creatures of the world, and also to never steal. His father reminded him not to eat meat because animals are friends not food.. He said meat was bad for his body and no sugar, and always eat organic.
So poor little Erik Wolfman (Wolf) had to go find his own lunch. He went back to the woods and lived with some of his buddies from school, who were kind enough to sneak him into their homes and let him eat. Life was great until they told him that they just couldn’t keep feeding him (he would eat twelve omelets, four bowls of cereal, six pieces of bacon, and four Danishes for breakfast every day). He was back to square one trying to find something to eat. So he went out into the forest to find something to eat. The wolf’s hope to find food quickly faded because of the dark lighting of the forest, cold temperatures, and long nights. Not to mention food in the forest is highly competed for. After a while he couldn’t maintain a vegetarian diet so he tried eating some of the animals. He quickly decided that most of them were too hard to catch.
One afternoon wolf found some ants and decided to make himself a snack, so he quickly put his claws to work tearing the bark off some of the trees. After he had done that he grabbed the ant hill and ripped it out of the ground. The ants started to bit him, but he was so used to this that it did not affect him. He poured the ants like salt and smashed them to his bark, and then he would take his bark over to a tree stump. The next step in making the snack was crushing the bark covered in dead ants to a dark red powder. You can imagine it would require a lot of energy and time to make even get a good size snack.
A little girl wearing a red hood appeared out of the blue. Her quest was yet unknown. She carried a basket full of sandwiches and turkey legs. The wolf smelled the turkey. His instincts kicked in, his eyes dilated, and his facial muscles flexed, he managed to pull himself together and do what his mother or father would do. He ran up behind her, head pointing out from his body and his nose right on top of that lunch box, tapped her on the shoulder, and asked for some of those turkey drumsticks (contrary to popular beliefs, the wolf is actually quite polite, and would never steal someone’s food or identity, unless he had to survive). But that unpolished little girl in the red hood wouldn’t give him any; instead she gave him a knuckle sandwich and told him to go home. So he started to walk off, but his stomach ached and twisted in torment. He realized that he was small enough to fit in the basket (most people think that the wolf is full grown but he is actually still a little child). So he went around the little girl, climbed up on a tree branch and waited. Then as she passed, he landed on that lunch box, opened it up and in a split second he was in. [There was a slight pause. For the girl had known what had happened and was just deciding what to do with the situation.] She remained stopped in that position almost to the point when the Wolf was going to give himself up, and then started walking again.
The ride in the basket seemed to last forever, not to mention that the forest that day was extremely hot and humid. But that was okay, because he got to snack on those sandwiches and turkey drumsticks the whole way. The food was homemade, which doesn’t happen a lot in this century. The bread was made of whole wheat flour and had that sweet yet salty taste and was extremely soft. The turkey was killed and cooked just for the occasion, and the cheddar cheese was aged to perfection, creating perfect cheddar cheese. The ride was also a jolting journey. Finally the basket landed in air conditioned comfort. The light became darker it was easy to tell that he was inside some building. The bad mannered girl and someone with a kind and cultivated voice were having a pleasant conversation. In an instant a hand was thrust into the basket and searched around. The only thing within this partition of space was the wolf, so the little old hand with saggy wrinkles grabbed him then she cried out as the wolf bit into the hand ( Note: you should never bite the hand that feeds you).
“Sandwich! It’s a man eating burger!”
Then the little girl interjected, “It’s no sandwich Grandma.” she said (in that “you’re a dummy” tone of voice.) “It’s the wolf that wanted your lunch.”
Then Grandma asked, “Why didn’t you give him some?”
“Well Grandma”, she said in that “you’re a dummy tone”, “you know my mom asked me to bring you all of your lunch this time instead of giving it away to charity”. Then she whispered behind her back, “it’s not like you need me to bring you lunch, because you already have plenty of food anyway”, (And that was true, Grandma did weigh 210 LBS).
Then sweet spacious Grandmother said, “Well it’s not like I need lunch.”
The bad tempered little girl in the red hood shot back, “Well duh.”
Grandma ignored the girl’s rude remark and continued; “As I was saying, why don’t I get something to eat for the little wolf?”
The little wolf replied with gratitude as great as the large blue ocean itself, “I would love some food.”
Then the girl with bad manners asked, “May I be excused to go to the bathroom.”
“Yes you...” But the little girl was in the bathroom before Grandma Could even finishes her sentence. “Please excuse my Granddaughter; she hasn’t been very polite ever since she turned thirteen.”
Wolf replied, “That’s okay, I don’t mind. I’m used to it living in a family full of wolves where manners don’t count.”
“Oh yes”, Grandma remembered, “I was going to get you something to eat.” She left her chair and went to her basement pantry, but on the way down the stairs there was a thud, bang, ugh. One thing that Wolf had noticed as he watched Grandma downstairs is that she would cling to the walls and railing as if her life depended on it.
“Grandma, are you all right?” said the concerned little wolf. But there was no reply. The Wolf ventured downstairs and heard nothing. He turned the corner into the pitch black, spider infested room full of photos. These were photos of happier times, like her wedding day, and little Red’s first day of kindergarten. There were also pictures of Grandma in her earlier life. Then in the entrance he spied an unconscious Grandma, with blood flowing out of the crack in her forehead. The blood was soaking into the carpet and staining the beige carpet a dark red. Wolf was stunned and didn’t know what to do. Grandma must have tripped, and hit her head on a picture frame. . Then there was a sound of sirens echoing in the room. Wolf froze. The door to the house flew open; the voice of the little traitor was heard saying...
“He’s down there.” He heard what sounded like five pair of large feet storm down the stairs. He couldn’t move, frozen with fear. He had not moved a muscle in the last minute nor taken a breath of air. His face had even started to turn blue. Then a policeman with a deep voice called out...
“Down here!” Then a large man grabbed wolf, and his gloves made of leather acted like sandpaper against his skin rubbing it away. Still the wolf had not taken a breath. They rushed him to an ambulance. They shot him with a tranquilizing dart, which started his breathing again and forced him to sleep. He awoke to the sound of a hammer. He hears voices arguing all around, but one voice shot through the noise saying...
“Order in this court.” rung out from the mouth of a stout man in the highest seat. He continues on speaking in what seemed to the wolf as mumbling. Then little red riding hood stands up and accuses wolf saying, “He’s guilty!” She accuses crying and screaming. “Why don’t you give him the death sentences now?”
Standing and yelling at the court Wolf exclaims, “I am not guilty!” Later he began to calm down he turned to the S.W.A.T team and said nearly crying, “I don’t have blood on my hands.” Then he calmed down a little bit but continued to cry. He turned to the S.W.A.T team who captured him “Did I have blood on my hands when you found me? I don’t think so.”
“He’s lying your Honor, Why would you believe a good for nothing wolf.” she screamed at the judge. The judge asked to hear the evidence on wolf.
The judge said, “I’m sorry wolf, the evidence points to you. It looks you are going to spend some time in jail while we resolve this. This court is adjourned.” A couple members of the S.W.A.T team grab wolf and carry him off to his jail cell. He spent his time there whimpering but at least he got fed. A week later the court got together again and this time new evidence was presented showing what actually happened.
Screaming the Judge said, “Order!” lowering his voice he continued, “Alright now, the DNA testing is in and it reveals a slight trace of Mr. Wolf on her hands but no where else. I’m sorry to say it but our poor little wolf looks like you may spend more time in jail then you probably want to. Even though I would make you serve less time, the law states you spend life in prison.” Then Wolf realizes he was being tried as an adult.
Then once again members S.W.A.T grab wolf again and carry him off to jail were he would remain for the rest of his pitiful and worthless life.

The end.

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